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your data
PanCerts is an enterprise-grade blockchain-powered data integrity platform that is specially designed for organizations and educational institutions to easily issue and verify digital academic credentials. With over 2,615 known degree mills operated worldwide reported as of 2011 in addition to numerous accreditation mills that bestow fake accreditation, academic fraud and forgery remain to be one of the biggest threats to an economy’s development and growth.
PanCerts was launched with the clear intent to make the education sector independent of counterfeit certificates and help academic institutions take a step towards digitization.
Features of PanCerts
A completely secure, paperless, real-time, and digitized blockchain credentialing solution, PanCerts will enable academic institutions to enhance their credibility while also helping them embark on their digital transformation journeys.

Any transaction made on PanCerts is immutable, which means no certificate issued on PanCerts can be modified or forged in any form. The digitized solution ensures all digital certificates are tamper-proof and helps its users in differentiating between authentic and counterfeit certificates.

Central Depository
PanCerts creates a central depository that connects all the stakeholders of the platform, forming an online portfolio of all academic certificates across institutes. By integrating directly with the regulatory boards and academic institutions, PanCerts helps in ensuring the authenticity of certificate records.

PanCerts enforces consent-based approval and makes sure there are no unauthorized attempts to access any stakeholder’s data. The blockchain-based security and encryption platform stores and maintains application and user logs.

Data Management
PanCerts enables academic institutions to easily add and issue certificates in an electronic form. It also allows them to retrieve previously issued certificates in no time and saves them the effort of scanning through various physical documents.

Cryptographically Encrypted
PanCerts strongly promotes digital self-sovereignty and personal data protection. Each user is first certified by the certificate authority before using PanCerts and every document uploaded by them is cryptographically signed using SHA-256.

Solution Benefits:
- A digital alternative to the traditional certification process
- Ensures the issuance of tamper-proof academic credentials
- A low cost, real-time, a paperless, and trustworthy method to verify certificates
- Helps users verify the authenticity of certificates
- Makes the verification process independent of intermediaries
- Enables audit and compliance through digital records
- Easily accessible from any device, at any time
- Facilitates easy retrieval of academic credentials
- Enhances data security in the education and corporate ecosystem
- GDPR Compliant
Know more about PanCerts
Pansoft’s Offerings
On-site and Offshore Model
On-demand Support